20 April 2007

Start'em out early...

My sister, Sandra, called today to tell me about Clay's (my nephew) latest antics. She said she heard him crying and went to see what the matter was. She found him holding one of his thumbs with his other hand. She asked him if he had smashed his thumb, he said no. She asked him what was wrong, and he said, "my Aggie hurts!". Confused, she asked again what was wrong. "My Aggie HURTS!!!" he said. Still confused, my sister asked him to show her what hurt. Very frustratedly, he shoved his tiny hand in her face, thumb up in a Gig'em sign, and said, "my AGGIE HURTS, Momma!"

(For those of you unfamiliar with the handsigns of the Southwest Conference, click here)

Speaking of Aggies, I am officially a "card-carrying" member of the Aggie family now - I got my Aggie ring on the 13th! The Aggie Ring is the most recognized symbol of the Aggie spirit, and can be easily recognized from across a crowded room. I am very proud of it, and now, after only a week of wearing it, feel naked without it:

My very good friend Libby, who started graduate school the same semester as I did, also got her ring that day, and we had a grand old time doing Ring Day stuff.

Libby and I have shared a lot during our graduate school years, and I am very happy and very proud to have shared my ring day with her. My mom, Phil, Jamie Rae, Karla (and Arnie and Karla's dad) and Chelsey all came out to help us celebrate, as did Libby's husband and son. Sadly, I didn't manage to get any pictures with anyone but Libby! Terrible oversight on my part, and I'm very disappointed about that (no offense, Libby). It was a great day!

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