25 May 2007

"Sunny" California...

Well, I am finally back from San Diego, welcomed back to Texas by the wonderful, heavy heat of May. It was such a relief to be warm again! San Diego is nice, but is too chilly for me this time of year.

The drive out was pretty good - we got to see pretty much everybody - Mom before we left (she came to the Ring Day activities); Dad, Sheila, Mam-maw and Papa in the Panhandle; Gran and Bill at Cline's Corner, NM (they drove up and met us there); and Justin in Dewey, AZ. Most of the drive was great - lots of interesting and beautiful landscape, new things to see...The last 8 hours was horrible, though. We were SOOOO happy to get to San Diego, finally. I didn't do much but work while I was there.

Work was good. I really enjoyed visiting the lab that I was in, and I learned a lot. I got some really great data (at least I think so, we'll see when it comes to writing the paper). For now, it's back to the grindstone here in College Station, hopefully to finish up by the end of the summer!

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