05 August 2007

I just took at PersonalDNA personality test, and my results show that I am a


Karla Turbyfill said...

I took that test thing. I'm a 'Dynamic Leader' whatever that means. I think I'm more of a leader than most, but more of a follower of leaders, so I don't know how I answered.

I'm getting a TON of visitors to my blog... like 50+/day. I'm not that interesting. Do you think people are fwding it to their friends and their friends? I had no idea how widespread until recently, but I think everyone back home checks/reads it daily. I only know a few people in the states or overseas that read it compared to the # of visitors. Do you know if that's normal?

acidbytez said...

hi, i think i'm back

sry i missed you in tx that day.. i think i expected to have more time :)

laters you dynamic realist you