12 May 2008

Our wedding

Phil and I are happy to announce that we (finally) got married last month.

We semi-eloped; we got married here in La Jolla, and only a few close friends came. We will be having a "big" wedding next year on the same day - something more traditional, will all the family and friends we can fit in the church.

We had a lovely dinner at Piatti's afterward, and our very, very delicious cake was from the French Gourmet in PB. We "mini-mooned" at the La Jolla Shores Hotel, which was really lovely.

I can't tell you how perfect the day was. Libby came out and we had a mini spa day, and then we went to the hotel and chilled out with the rest of the ladies before the ceremony. The weather and lighting were perfect, and I couldn't have imagined it any better. It was amazing! Our friend Brian married us, Libby stood up with me and Ian stood up with Phil. Jo and Bjoern did the photos and video (and did them very brilliantly). Barry did a beautiful reading. It really was perfect. Truly the fairy tale wedding of my dreams :)

The whole gang: Ian, Ana, Barry, Phil, me, Brian (back row), Lichun (front row), Libby, Bjoern (back row), and Jo (front row)

Who doesn't love bubbles??

It was so romantic!

Happily ever after...

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