14 March 2007

A bad day at the dentist...

This moring started off fine, Macy enjoyed her usual lie in (at least until 8:30 am), and then we went to the vet. Today was the day for Macy's annual dental exam and teeth cleaning.

The Vet - Dr. Bay - called at 1 pm to let me know that Macy had done well and all her lab results looked normal, but unfortunately, she had to pull 5 of Macy's teeth! Two at the very back on the bottom, 1 on the top right next to her canine, and her two bottom middle teeth. Poor Macy!They also had to shave one of her legs for the IV line, and she struggled a bit, so it's bruised as well. She didn't like having her picture taken either - although Joel did his best to keep her still. Dr. Bay said that loosing teeth is very common for Chihuahuas, and the fact that Macy is 7 and has never had any teeth pulled (until today) means that she is very well cared for and is in excellent dental health (whew! I was very upset when she told me and was relieved to hear that). Her gums look good and she should heal quickly.

Although Macy is now missing her two front teeth (see above), the day ended at home, with Macy happy and seemingly unaffected by her missing teeth. She was quite happy to get soft food for dinner.

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