02 March 2007

Busy, busy bee!

My burn has finally healed and it's been off to the races for things at work and school. Carrie defended her dissertation on Tuesday, Taehyun's last day in the lab was Monday, and Anh is trying to choose a job. Yi has moved to Taehyun's bench, in the first step of a musical chairs bench swap session. Chelsey (my undergrad) will be getting Anh's bench when she leaves, and Doug has taken Yi's bench. I'm supposed to be up next to defend, so I have to get busy, busy, busy to finish up.

SRW plans are taking a heavy toll, although Jamie Rae and Stacy are bearing the brunt of those and I am basically just answering email and a few other little things. Spring Break will be here soon. Sigh. Where does the time go?

My car is officially a lemon. I have begun the process of claiming so legally under Texas' "Lemon Law" and it seems that it is going to be a long, drawn-out, painful process. Sigh. I'm so tired of this ordeal, and yet it never seems to end.

No luck on the job front thus far...There's a new one posted that I want to apply for, but I need to rework my CV and cover letter. Also, Daisy booked my flight to San Diego today (hooray!) so I really have to get things prepared for that. I am beginning to get overwhelmed!

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