03 April 2007

The garden begins...

This weekend, I managed to put my garden in - well, most of it anyway. I planted beans, squash, okra, watermelon, cucumber, and "Early Girl" and cherry tomatoes. The big cage thing at the end of the garden is my bird-proofing for the tomatoes. I got smart this year and put it up before I planted the tomato seedlings.

The potted plants (mostly herbs) have been growing for a while, and are doing nicely:

I still have a few seedlings that are not big enough to go in the ground yet. There are several varities of herbs, hot peppers and beefsteak tomatoes:

The rows look really nice, but were a lot of hard work. Last year, I had a lot of drainage issues, especially in the larger upper part, but my neighbor, Roy, says that I won't have those problems this year.

Macy doesn't like the rows, though, because it isn't as easy for her to wander in the garden.

The only thing I am concerned about is whether or not the soil is really warm enough for the okra. That's the thing I look forward to the most. I am going to plant some more seeds in a few weeks in my Jiffy pellets just in case. Dave has never even heard of okra before, so I am especially looking forward to having a good harvest this year. Also, Jamie Rae says she has an amazing recipe for squash soup, so I'm hoping that this year won't be as wet and that the squash won't mold out again like it did last year.

1 comment:

Dr Phil said...

Did it survive the cold snap?