29 June 2007

Rain, rain go away!

You have probably all heard about the huge amounts of rain Texas and Oklahoma are getting, but you may have no idea how hard it is raining. It comes down in massive side-ways sheets as if someone were emptying giants buckets from the sky. Yesterday, it rained so hard that if you were out in it, you couldn't even see in front of you! From the safety of my lab, this is what you could see:

The picture was taken with the camera on my phone, so I don't know if you can really make out the sheets very well, but they are there. Half an hour later, when it stopped for a short bit, this was the view:

It's crazy! And there's more rain predicted...

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Hi Rebecca,

Great to hear that your move to your new appartment went well - nice to hear that Macy has settle in too!
We have been busy in June - check out my extended family on our blog. Especially my very pretty neices.

Has Phil told you that we booked our flights for the autumn. I do hope that we will get to see you too.

Take care ,

Jimmy & Gill