28 July 2007

At last!

Today I decided to take a day for myself (in between trips to work) to sort a few things out that I had been putting off. The number one thing on the list was to find some jeans, since I am down to two pair, one of which will not be appropriate to wear for very much longer since the holes in it are getting quite big. After much searching at every place I could think of, I finally gave up and went to Target to get some face cream. As I was walking to my car, I realized that Old Navy is right next door, and that Phil always has pretty good luck with his shopping there, so I went in.

I spent most of the visit shopping through the clearance racks and not finding much. I did find a bralette-minus tank top to try on, which fit okay, even though it was a size too big. While trying it on, I noticed the advertisement for the new styles of Old Navy jeans. One in particular, "the Sweetheart" fit, looked promising, so I decided to try a pair on. (Normally the problem with jeans is that, although the tag says they are my size, they are always too big). I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did the jeans fit, but they fit really well, and for an extra bonus, there was a pair in my size that was missing the button so they were 50% off! Woohoo! I made my purchase and headed to Wal-Mart, where I got 5 dungaree buttons for $1.26, then went home and reinforced the area where the button is supposed to go with a patch and put the new button on. I am so excited that I can find jeans to fit right off the rack! Amazing! And they aren't too expenise, either.

Now, if I could just find some shorts that I like...

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