16 January 2007

Macy's new friend and some horrible weather...

Macy has finally made peace (sort of) with my roommate Dave's friend, David. She still follows everywhere he goes in the house, but she doesn't nip at his heels any more, and last night, even sat with him and had a cuddle (gasp!). [Phil, you'd better come home soon or you won't be the only man in Macy's life.]

The weather here the last few days has been cold, wet, and icy. So cold, wet, and icy, in fact, that the University was closed today, which meant a nice day off and not really leaving the house (although Joel and I left to go to the post office to pick up a package for Phil - the lady at the counter called him "Mr. Lee" which was hilarious, as Joel almost corrected her by saying, "Actually, it's Dr. Lee" - and to Hastings to get a movie to entertain ourselves). It was a real pain to go to work this evening, though, as my car had iced over again and it took me ages to de-ice it again (well, about 20 minutes, anyway). See below for pics of the car, pre-first de-icing.

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