20 January 2007

Weekend treats with good friend...

My friend Jenny came down for the weekend yesterday - we haven't had a "girls" weekend in quite some time - and we have spent the day relaxing. Well, at least part of the day. I worked this morning and Jenny stayed at my place and read. Then we went to lunch, stopped by Target to pick up a few things and then we went and had a pedicure. A good pedicure is the most amazingly relaxing experience and the best way to paper yourself for not very much (also, it's good for your feet). As always, the folks at SuperNails were excellent and ever-attentive to details and we had a great time. I did notice something strange while we were there, however; in the chair next to me was a rough-looking cowboy! His wife was getting a mani and a pedi, so I guess he thought he would try it out. He looked so out of place - thick, bushy mustache, tanned face (with a hat line), well-worn jeans, pearlsnap shirt, Carhart insulated vest, hat in hands, and mud-covered cowboy next to his seat (which, BTW, at SuperNails are fabulous massage chairs so you get a massage while you get a pedicure) (also, you could tell he had worn boots most of his life as the hair on his legs from mid-calf down wasn't there any more, evidently worn off from daily boot wear; my dad has the same look). He looked a bit uncomfortable during the whole thing, but he seemed to be enjoying himself; I guess even cowboys like a bit of pampering now and again!

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