19 March 2007

the best pair of jeans EVER!!!

I was in desparate need of a new pair a jeans, and after searching every store in the mall and several nearby, I came up empty handed. I got on the internet and searched "custom jeans" just to see how much they might cost. The second link I clicked on - MakeYourOwnJeans.com - looked very promising, and to my surprise, the jeans they make only cost $60 with shipping included!!! (see link on the left - MakeYourOwnJeans.com to check out the company) I ordered a pair about 10 days ago and have been anxiously awaiting their arrival. They arrived this morning, and OH MY GOSH they are AMAZING! They fit so well and are so comfortable - they are made of 100% cotton as well, not the silly 99% or 97% plus lycra, so they aren't stretchy and won't sag like my other jeans. Also, because they are custom made, they aren't too low on the waist, but they aren't highrise either...Alright, I know, I sound like an info-mercial, but for anybody out there who hates to shop for jeans, and/or has a hard time finding jeans that fit, this site is the BEST place to get jeans. They also do "Clone a Jeans" (which, for those genetists/microbiologists/molecular biologists out there is especially funny), where you send in your favorite pair of jeans and they replicate them for you (I'm going to try that next). Anyway, woohoo! Hooray for new jeans!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I had this company (Makeyourownjeans.com)make 2 pairs of jeans for me using my measurements. The first pair was WAY too small- had to give them to my 13 year old granddaughter. The 2nd pair, which I adjusted the measurements for accordingly, was way too big in the waist, too narrow in the thighs, too short- horrible. So- I wasted over $100 on that debacle.

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